Headshot of Kyle Graycar

Kyle Graycar

Kyle is the Co-Founder of Decarbon and is based in Los Angeles, California. When not at his desk, Kyle loves rock climbing, Japanese taiko drumming, and noodling on his ukulele.


Screenshot of Decarbon's revamped Offsets screen that features solar investing

Offsetting by investing in renewables

We’ve teamed up with the solar investing platform Energea to provide a way for you to offset your emissions by investing in solar projects around the world.

02 Jul 2024 · By Kyle
Screenshot of Decarbon's revamped Teams screen

Mega Teams Update

I’m excited to share some big app updates!

22 Apr 2024 · By Kyle
Screenshot of Decarbon's commute tracking feature

Decarbon 4.3.0 - Commute Tracking

Happy 2024 everyone! New year, new feature.

22 Jan 2024 · By Kyle
Screenshot of Decarbon's mac app

Decarbon 4.2.2 - Mac app launched

Decarbon is now available natively and fully featured on Mac computers! 🎉

31 Jul 2023 · By Kyle
Image of people on a hike in Marin

Decarbon 4.2.0 - Teams

It’s hard to do anything all by yourself.

13 Jun 2023 · By Kyle
Image of a tree on a grassland

Wikis for the climate crisis

One of the hardest parts about climate change, besides how intimidatingly massive the problem feels, is just how complex it is. It’s not rocket science but it is environmental science!

05 Apr 2023 · By Kyle
A snowy Lassen Volcanic National Park

Decarbon 4.1.1 - Showcasing climate action with public profiles

We’re excited to share a new feature for Decarbon – public profiles!

06 Mar 2023 · By Kyle
Image of a sunset

Bye bye 2022

Well, that’s a wrap! 2022 was an incredible year for Decarbon.

30 Dec 2022 · By Kyle