I’m excited to share some big app updates!

For the last couple of months we’ve been heads down in “product development” mode, building out features for our enterprise pilot partner.

We’ve been working closely with them to enable sustainability managers and Green Teams to better use Decarbon to engage employees on sustainability and help them track climate action. As such, I’ve been calling this series of app updates our “mega teams update”.

Here’s what’s new.

Team leaderboards

Every team in Decarbon now features a leaderboard that shows the top team members who earned points for completing climate actions.

Team Leaderboard

This turns climate action into a game between teammates not unlike the step-tracking apps of yore. Team leads can setup a custom incentive in their team’s settings to drum up even more of a competitive spirit.

Our pilot parner, for instance, is purchasing a year’s worth of carbon credits to the team member with the most points by the end of May.

Climate action points & frequencies

To complement the new leaderboard, Team Leads can now specify how many points different climate actions are “worth” for their team, between 1 and 10.

This is shown on the top of every climate action card.

Climate Action

Additionally, climate actions now have a frequency associated with them: once, weekly, or daily. If you complete a “daily” climate action like riding your bike to work, for example, it’ll un-check and become available for you to complete again the very next day.

By default, daily actions are worth 1 point, weekly actions 3, and one-time actions 5.

Private Teams & work email verification

Teams that want to hide their activity from other Decarbon users can now upgrade to make their teams private.

Private Team

When a user requests to join private teams, they need to share their verified work email with the Team Lead. The Team Lead then approves requests to join.

Other nifty updates

Decarbon team update

To stretch the definition of this “team update” a little, we have a couple new colleagues at Decarbon who have been helping us immensely over the last month.

Megan Vyenielo’s joined us on the software side and has already been a huge help in accelerating the pace and quality of our tech sprints.

Molly Garbowitz’s joined us as an intern and is helping us apply to startup accelerator programs and expand our VC network.

Please extend them a warm welcome! <3

How you can help!

We’re still (and probably always will be) looking for more corporate partners! If you’re a part of your company’s Green Team or have a friend in enterprise sustainability/HR, we’d love to connect.

We’d also love if you tested out these new developments and shared any feedback with us. How can Decarbon inspire you to incorporate sustainability into daily routine? Let us know!