Zack Karrasch is Decarbon’s new co-founder. He’ll be leading Decarbon’s product design among many other things. Please extend him a warm welcome!

He’s also bringing in our first monthly collab for the year.

Zack headshot Zack Karrasch
Jan 2023 collab · 3 min listen

Join Zack in setting climate resolutions for 2023.

This month, we’ll be tracking the following climate actions in Decarbon:

  1. Write down your climate resolutions for 2023
  2. Share them on r/decarbon

Hello everyone, my name is Zack

I’m excited to announce that I’m the new co-founder of Decarbon.

My background is in product design and for the past 6 months I’ve been in more of a consulting role, helping Kyle and the team design features for Decarbon. We’ve got a lot of exciting features and updates that we can’t wait to share with you all.

Now for a little about myself and this January collab.

I grew up in San Francisco, and went to UC Santa Barbara where I originally wanted to be a doctor. After failing to get enrolled in a lot of my required classes, and questioning whether I actually wanted to go into healthcare, I decided to pivot, and go into product design.

What I love about product design is that you’re able to make people’s lives better through the products you design and can have an impact across many different industries.

For the past 7 years, I’ve been designing products to help real estate agents and small boutique shops and brands grow and run their businesses. Although I’ve done a lot of rewarding work at my previous companies, Side and Faire, my passion really lies with climate change and sustainability, so I jumped on the opportunity when Kyle asked me to be a co-founder.

Zack's dog, Kirby

I love to surf, and have a huge appreciation for the ocean which is a big reason why I’m so interested in working for companies that are fighting climate change.

When I lived in Hawaii, it was really eye opening to be outside of the tech bubble and see how much people cared about preserving the ocean and native Hawaiian ecosystems. Surfers in Hawaii collect any trash they see while out in the water, and on the beach. This was one small thing that I picked up from living out there, and try to do this whenever I surf or I’m at the beach.

It’s important to remember that although this is a small thing that feels like it won’t move the needle, if enough people make small behavioral changes, it’ll end up having a big impact.

Going into 2023, I’ve been reflecting and came up with a few small climate resolutions to reduce my carbon footprint that I will start or continue to do in my daily life. I challenge all of you to come up with a list of your own and share with us. We might even add them to Decarbon’s climate actions! Below are a few of mine that you can start with 🙂.

  1. Write down and share your climate resolutions for 2023.
  2. Share them on r/decarbon
  3. Purchase only from brands who are committed to sustainability. I like to use to check.
  4. Build or purchase a compost bin for my garden.
  5. Use eco-friendly home products (refillable dish soap, bath wash etc.)

Sunset in Hawaii